Do you know bottom valves from Pekos? Here you will find more information about them
The KLINGER piston valve - unique & sold millions of times is celebrating a big anniversary!
Customized knife gate valves for the North Sea offshore industry
Wire reinforced aramid fibers bonded with NBR.
- Next generation of LBP insulation from Alkegen
Alkegen has now launched an endothermic product based on AES/LBP fibre
- for expansive media. Read more about this valve here!
Industry-leading products with a renewed identity
Classification societies – what, why and how?
You will meet us in Porsgrunn Arena
Consider ARI FABA® Plus globe valves for manual regulation or as an isolation valve.
Besøk oss på OTD i Stavanger 18. - 19. oktober på stand B2080
Launch of new Klinger KHA ball valve
BAGGE's good partner Unifrax has these days acquired the company Lydell and with this changed its name to Alkegen!
Have you noticed that all valves from ARI-Armaturen are marked with a QR code?
ARI-SAFE 900 semi-nozzle safety valves
At the end of last year, Neles completed the acquisition of the valve and pump division of Finnish Flowrox Oy
The year that has passed and our opening hours
I år er BAGGES 130 år! Her kan du lese hele historien fra vi startet opp til i dag.
We are at work during the Easter week and here you see our opening hours.
ARI Armaturen kan nå levere sin elektriske aktuator PREMIO-Plus 2G med UPS løsning som opsjon for enkelt modeller
We celebrate 100 years with cooperation!
I takt med den globale overgangen til ren energi, står hydrogen frem som en lovende energikilde. Pekos er i forkant av d...
We are strengthening the sales organization in the sales team with focus on Insulation products and filtration products,...
We are expanding the capacity of our machining department with a new saw!
We help to prevent life-threatening diseases and provide treatment for patients in some of the world's forgotten crises.