Insulfrax® 1200 Felt is a premium product made from Insulfrax LBP/AES fibre, blended with specially selected organic binders to provide an optimum combination of flexibility and strength. Alkegen’s advanced manufacturing process ensures a lightweight yet strong product with low thermal conductivity and outstanding handling properties.

Available in both standard and water-repellent versions, the felt is supplied either on a roll or as a sheet, depending on the thickness. This makes Insulfrax® 1200 Felt ideal for a range of applications including insulation, sealing and as a gasket.

With a classification temperature of up to 1200°C, a specific gravity of 170-270 kg/m³, and a thermal conductivity of 0.08 W/mK at 400°C, Insulfrax® 1200 Felt offers high temperature stability, good handling strength and excellent flexibility. The product is also easy to cut and shape, making it easy to customize to specific needs.

Insulfrax Felt is perfect for high temperature packing and sealing, ingot mould liners, molten metal transfer systems (backup insulation) and expansion joints.

For specific applications or additional information, please contact us for guidance and approval.

  • Available in standard and water repellent version
  • Insulation
  • Sealing
  • Packing
Technical table
Density: 170-270 kg/m³
Classification temperature: 1200 °C
Thermal conductivity: 0,08 W/mK, v/400 °C
Melting point: >1330°C
INSULFRAX 1200 felt
Product number Description Dimension Unit
51230203 Insulfrax felt 1250 x 1000 x 3 mm Pcs
51230206 Insulfrax felt 1250 x 1000 x 6 mm Pcs
51230209 Insulfrax felt 1250 x 1000 x 9 mm Pcs
51230212 Insulfrax felt 1250 x 1000 x 12 mm Pcs
51230218 Insulfrax felt 1250 x 1000 x 18 mm Stk
INSULFRAX 1200 felt PE
Product number Description Dimension Unit
51230306 Insulfrax felt PE 1250 x 1000 x 6 mm Pcs
51230309 Insulfrax felt PE 1250 x 1000 x 9 mm Pcs
51230312 Insulfrax felt PE 1250 x 1000 x 12 mm Pcs