PVC is an amorphous volume plastic that is easy to glue. It is the third largest technical plastic after PE and PP. The hard type is self-extinguishing.

  • High chemical resistance
  • Does not absorb moisture
  • Resistance to micro organisms
  • Long lifetime
  • May be food approved
  • Mechanical parts
  • Lab. equipment in the chemical industry
  • Coatings on various surfaces.
Technical table
Density: 1,44 g/cmᵌ
Tensile strength: 58 MPa
E-module: 3300 Mpa
Water absorption: 0,2 % 24t
Temp. index: 0°C til +60⁰C


PVC sheet clear
Product number Description Dimension Weight Unit
66961015 PVC plate klar 2000 x 1000 x 3 mm ca. 8,80 kg/pl kg
PVC sheet light grey
Product number Description Dimension Weight Unit
66964010 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 1,5 mm Ca 2,90 kg/pl kg
66964015 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 2mm Ca 5,80 kg/pl kg
66964020 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 3 mm ca. 8,70 kg/pl kg
66964025 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 4 mm Ca 11,60 kg/pl kg
66964030 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 5 mm Ca 14,50 kg/pl kg
66964035 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 6 mm Ca 17,40 kg/pl kg
66964040 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 8 mm Ca 23,20 kg/pl kg
66964045 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 10 mm ca. 29,00 kg/pl kg
66964050 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 12 mm Ca 33,60 kg/pl kg
66964055 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 15 mm Ca 42,00 kg/pl kg
66964060 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 20 mm ca. 56,00 kg/pl kg
66964065 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 25 mm ca. 70,00 kg/pl kg
66964070 PVC plate lys grå 2000 x 1000 x 30 mm ca. 84,00 kg/pl kg
PVC rod
Product number Description Dimension Weight Unit
67964030 PVC bolt grå Ø6 x 2000 mm Ca 0,8 kg/bolt kg
67964035 PVC bolt grå Ø8 x 2000 mm Ca 0,16 kg/bolt kg
67964045 PVC bolt grå Ø12 x 2000 mm Ca 0,34 kg/bolt kg
67964050 PVC bolt grå Ø15 x 2000 mm Ca 0,56 kg/bolt kg
67964060 PVC bolt grå Ø20 x 2000 mm Ca 0,94 kg/bolt kg
67964065 PVC bolt grå Ø22 x 2000 mm Ca 1,12 kg/bolt kg
67964070 PVC bolt grå Ø25 x 2000 mm Ca 1,44 kg/bolt kg
67964080 PVC bolt grå Ø32 x 2000 mm Ca 2,36 kg/bolt kg
67964090 PVC bolt grå Ø40 x 2000 mm Ca 3,9 kg/bolt kg
67964095 PVC bolt grå Ø45 x 2000 mm Ca 4,66 kg/bolt kg
67964105 PVC bolt grå Ø55 x 2000 mm Ca 7,18 kg/bolt kg
67964120 PVC bolt grå Ø80 x 2000 mm Ca 15,3 kg/bolt kg
67964135 PVC bolt grå Ø110 x 2000 mm Ca 27,52 kg/bolt kg
67964140 PVC bolt grå Ø120 x 2000 mm Ca 32,78 kg/bolt kg