ISO certification
Pioneers in certification
BAGGES AS has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since 1993, and was thus early on with such a quality certification for a company of our size. ISO 9001 is a good tool for reducing errors. The system prevents errors from recurring, as well as identifying possible errors before they occur. Such a reduction in errors provides benefits in the form of cost savings, smaller errors and a greater degree of satisfied customers.
Many years have passed since 1993, and new demands have been added. BAGGES is now in 2019 also certified according to ISO 14001, which is an environmental certification. ISO 14001 shows best practices for proactive management of the company's impact on the external environment. With this, our customers can trust that we actively reduce the company's, products and services' environmental impact to a minimum.
Anniversary in 2019
Even though BAGGES was 125 years old in 2019, we are constantly trying to renew ourselves to keep up with a constant development. This is probably one of the main reasons why we have been present for so long. We will continue to strive for new goals and requirements also in the time to come, so that we can continue for many more years!