RoHSII : | The material is in compliance with EU directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS II) | Components : | Glass fabric epoxy |
Color : | Light yellow | Nema L1-1 : | FR 4&5 |
DIN 7735 : | Hgw 2372.2 | EN 60893 : | EP GC 204 |
Mechanical Properties | TestMethod | Value | Unit | Thickness |
Flexural strength at RT | ISO 178 | 450 |
MPa | ≥ 1,6mm |
Flexural strength at elevated temp. | ISO 178 | 200 |
MPa | ≥ 1,6mm |
Modulus of elasticity | ISO 178 | 22000 |
MPa | ≥ 1,6mm |
Compressive strength | ISO 604 | 550 |
MPa | ≥ 5,0mm |
Izod impact strength, parallel | ISO 180/2A | 65.0 |
kJ/m2 | ≥ 5,0mm |
Shearing strength, parallel | ISO 60893-2 | 55.0 |
MPa | ≥ 5,0mm |
Tensile strength | ISO 527 | 320 |
MPa | ≥ 1,6mm |
Physical Properties | ||||
Flammability | IEC 60695-11-10 | V-0 |
3,0 mm | |
Density | IEC 1183-A | 1.9 |
g/cm3 | All |
Water absorption | IEC 62/1 | 10 |
mg | 50 x 50 x 3mm |
Electrical Properties | ||||
Electric strength in oil at 90°C | IEC 60243-1 | 15.0 |
kV/mm perpendicula | 3,0 mm |
Electric strength in oil at 90°C | IEC 60243-1 | 70 |
kV/mm perpendicula | ≥ 3.0mm |
Permittivity 50 Hz | IEC 60250 | 4.5 |
≥ 1,6mm | |
Permittivity 1 MHz | IEC 60250 | 4.5 |
≥ 1,6mm | |
Dissipation factor 50 Hz | IEC 60250 | 0.005 |
≥ 1,6mm | |
Dissipation factor 1 MHz | IEC 60250 | 0.0008 |
≥ 1,6mm | |
Insulation resistance after immersion in water 1MHz | IEC 60167 | 500000 |
M Ω | All |
Comparative tracking index | IEC 60112 | 200 |
CTI | ≥ 3,0mm |
Thermal Properties | ||||
Thermal endurance index 20.000h (T.I.) | IEC 60216 | 145 |
°C | ≥ 3,0 mm |
Notes and Conditioning |
The data mentioned in this data sheet is after our knowledge correct, but we reserve the right to make changes without notice. |
rev: 09/2021 |
BAGGES AS, Industriveien 15, 2020 Skedsmokorset - Tlf: +47 64 83 50 00 - - |